Streamline Your Communication During Tax Season & Other Busy Times

by | Mar 7, 2023

As a CPA, when looking at ways to improve your tax season and everything leading up to it, one aspect you should look at is how you communicate with clients. Streamline your communication processes so you can reach out on a mass scale. 

With Revver, it’s possible to send a personalized notice to each of your clients at once to help their businesses get started this tax season with a single click. Save yourself time and labor by removing manual correspondence and create a better, more secure experience of communication between you and clients. 

We’ll show you a few simple ways that Revver makes this possible.

Secure Sharing

As a CPA with multiple clients, you’re tasked with corresponding with each and everyone to update them on the status of certain financial reports and forms and request the required documents you need to adequately service their businesses. It calls for a significant amount of communication and many files that need to go back-and-forth between the accounting firms and their business accounts. Email is no longer the most effective method of sharing files with multiple people and it’s certainly not the most secure.

Secure file-sharing through Revver is a better way to maintain communication with clients and allows you to be more accessible so they can immediately give you all the documents you need from them.

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You can essentially give all of your clients guest access to your document management system, where they have permission to view and upload documents in a specified folder within your system.

Revver’s cloud-based storage protects all of your files with an SSL/TLS encrypted connection. Clients can directly upload files to the system, rather than going through an untrusted proxy. Plus all files are encrypted at rest, so only users with the proper permissions are allowed to access files. This secure sharing portal guarantees security for all clients’ sensitive information, and it’s also part of how you can mass communicate with all of your clients when combined with another powerful feature.

Folder Templates 

Templates for folder structures are a must for anyone who organizes documents on a digital system. However, in Revver, folder templates do so much more than save your frequently used folder structures. Templates are able to save several back-end preferences that you also customize folders with including permissions, retention settings, automation options, and profile data. 

Accountants generally need the same paperwork to carry out the same process for each individual client. A common folder template would likely be a new folder for clients, with subfolders for each tax year and permissions for them to view it and upload documents. Furthermore, you can attach automated notifications to reach them whenever something new is uploaded to a shared folder. 

Templates can be mass applied to as many folders as you need, so your organization of folders and files for a particular drawer remain consistent. You won’t ever have to spend time comparing the folders you have created against a list of folders that you should have. It’s all automatic.

Mass Communication

Here’s how secure sharing and templates come together to help you communicate important documents with all of your clients. Templates in Revver can be synced so that any changes made to one, will be made to all. Folder templates not only allow you to change and add folder structures, but you can also add predesignated documents that will always be copied and appear in whatever folders use that template.  

Therefore, whenever you have an important document that needs to be sent to all of your clients and don’t want to send it through email, you can simply edit your template and add the document. Then sync the template across your system, and it will be copied and added to each client’s folder. If automated notifications are turned on, they will all receive an email notification that a new file is waiting for them in their account.

To learn about how to streamline communication and elevate the services offered to your clients, let’s talk.

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