Why Revver?

by | Mar 1, 2023

Guest post written by Revver Product Marketing Manager, Sam Emery

I joined the team here at Revver about a year ago as the Product Marketing Manager, and in that time we’ve poured a lot of thought into a simple question: Why Revver? We’ve always been very confident that Revver is a great product that can do a lot of amazing things, but why do those things matter to the people we serve in the first place? 

Starting With the Customer Journey

To answer that question, I started by talking to many customers and listened to them tell their stories of their experience before implementing Revver, their journey in choosing the platform, and what it looks like for them now. I listened to their pains, why they went looking for a solution, and how they ended up working with us. I’ve been impressed by some common threads between their stories and how Revver was able to solve those issues effectively.

Discover Revver for Your Organization

Almost every customer faced disorganization, an inability to find information, endless busy work, and unintended roadblocks to productivity. To hear their pain dissolve once Revver was in place was certainly gratifying for us as a team, and it helped us think about the key areas in which Revver delivers the highest benefits to our customers.

Our customers have taught us a lot about the benefits that a document management system like Revver can have for an organization. These conversations led to five key reasons why somebody would choose Revver as their document management solution: Secure Organization, Instant Findability, Seamless Collaboration, Automation, and Security and Compliance.

Secure Organization

Organizing your content is the foundation that everything else rests on. Our goal is to help you organize your content in a way that makes sense to you and can scale with your company’s growth. We provide an intuitive folder structure that is bolstered by folder templates, which help you organize content consistently and efficiently in all areas. You can also organize content with security in mind, setting up policies on folders that grant access to some groups while not allowing other groups to see that the folder is there. 

Organization is a benefit that all members of your team will immediately benefit from, and it’s just the starting point for Revver. 

Instant Findability

With so much of a knowledge worker’s time spent finding documents (up to 2 hours per day), it quickly becomes an epic waste of effort. We pride ourselves on our ability to make sure that you can find any document in Revver, instantly. It provides multiple ways to find what you need, with search and advanced search (with the option to save customized searches for later use), metadata search capabilities, full text search via OCR, and by standardizing your organization so you always know where a document might be. The findability options are never-ending.

Effective search removes the burden from finding documents, and returns that valuable time to you so you can focus on more important issues. 

Seamless Collaboration

Nobody works alone anymore, and making sure that all parties have the information they need is increasingly critical to getting work done. Our collaboration suite is designed to facilitate peer-to-peer work, both internally and externally, without sacrificing security and safety. We provide tools like:

  • Sharing tools so every stakeholder has the key information they need.
  • Integrated eSignature for fast, legitimate signature within the system.
  • Document Requests for easily capturing information and storing to a specific location.
  • Versioning for tracking changes and reverting to previous versions where necessary.
  • Our M365 integration enables coediting on any document in Revver. 

Fast, seamless collaboration is critical for productive work. Revver fuels that productivity by enhancing your ability to work together. 


Nobody feels fulfilled for long doing the same work over and over again. Getting repetitive document work off your plate frees that time up for you to focus on far more important items. Revver’s suite of automation tools can streamline all document work, so you don’t waste another second pushing paper, creating folders, or chasing signatures. 

Automating your work also reduces the risk of human error, intentional or not, that we’ve all dealt with at some point. We work hard so that you don’t have to, and our customers have reported massive productivity gains from streamlining and automating tasks like sharing, signatures, folder creation and more. 

Security and Compliance

We deeply appreciate how important it is to keep your information safe. That’s why Revver can be configured to meet your specific security or compliance requirements. From encrypting every document in Revver, to granting you the ability to customize your security to include optional features like password requirements, view and access restrictions, and retention and governance policies, we bolster your security so that you can sleep well at night knowing your information is safe and secure. 


We’re excited about the benefits that Revver provides our customers and can provide to others. We want to help you enhance your document work to be as productive and satisfying as possible. We’re especially excited about this upcoming year, where we plan to continue enhancing Revver with your benefits in mind. Discover Revver if you’re ready to experience new levels of efficiency across your organization.

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Meet Revver

Put your documents to work with the world’s first platform to automate document-dependent work.

Revver Overview >

Transform document-dependent work to a powerful source of growth and positive impact.

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Analytics and reporting on the work being done across the platform, to fuel improvements and efficiency gains.

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Learn more by use case
Employee management

Automate HR-related document work for personnel

New business onboarding

Power new business through document-based processes

Client management

Digital hub for collaborating with customers on all document work

Repetitive operations

Automating repeatable document-related business processes